Club History

The Golf Club was established in 1812 and takes its name from the golf house, or clubhouse, that was begun in the same year.

Since then the clubhouse has been steadily upgraded as time and circumstance have demanded and it has recently enjoyed a £1.25m refurbishment, giving it the excellent facilities that members and visitors now enjoy.

All of the work has been done sympathetically, and the clubhouse still holds true to its roots and retains its sense of history.

This is immediately evident from the wooden lockers that line the hall and originally housed the golfing jackets worn in the 19th Century, to the war memorial that hangs in the clubhouse in respect of the members lost during both the First and Second World Wars.

In 1967, through a mixture of good fortune, generous gifts and astute purchases, the Golf House Club finally took ownership of the land on which the course lies.

Until then, it had relied on 20-year leases and the ancient ‘right of golf’ that had been granted and confirmed in law over the preceding centuries.